19mm - 20mm Cuero Trenzado Ovalado
Gran colección de cordones de cuero trenzados ovalados en tamaño 19mm y 20mm disponibles en diferentes tamaños a precios de mayorista.
Nuestros cordones de cuero trenzado, que se pueden encontrar en colores lisos, metálicos o vintage, son el material perfecto para hacer pulseras y collares.
El cuero trenzado se puede usar fácilmente con nuestros candados de acero inoxidable, terminales en acero y plata para crear pulseras en diferentes estilos.
Oval Braided - 19mm - Dark Brown
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided - 19mm - SE.DB.02
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided - 19mm - SE.PB.04
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided - 19mm - SE.PB.10
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-VINTAGE BLUE
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-SE-DB-D03
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-SE-DB-D03-1m
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-SE-DB-D12
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-SE-DB-103
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-SE-DB-D20
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-SE-PB-115
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-SE-PB-121
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-se_ white base blue
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-se_dark blue
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00
Oval Braided Leather Cord-19*5mm-se_dB_d03
Packaging = 2 meters
Precut lengths of 1meters
Price/meter(€)= 10.00
Size -19mm by 5.5mm
- €20.00