Leather has been used in the fashion industry for decades. Since leather is a natural material, it is subject to wear and tear over time. The leather that comes from the factory is also generally quite stiff and may need to be softened.

The leather is durable, elegant and renowned for its longevity. This would also mean that the leather can sometimes be rigid and not very flexible. The stronger the type of leather, the stronger it is. However, when it comes to a leather jacket for example, or in our case, leather cords used to make jewelry, most people prefer a softer texture. That’s why it’s important for you to understand how to make your leather cord softer without affecting its quality or damaging it.

To avoid this, you need to soften it by keeping it lubricated regularly, in order to keep it soft and supple. This article will discuss various methods on how to soften leather products, including leather cords.

There are several methods to soften the leather, but the one we recommend first is that of natural oils. Oils and balms will nourish, moisturize and soften your leather cord.

Some of the best oils to use to soften leather products are jojoba oil, olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil and coconut oil. Before using a natural oil, be sure to put the leather outside, especially when it is sunny. Leave it for ten minutes to open the pores of the materials.

Another very effective method is the leather conditioner. These conditioners are commercial products used specially to soften the leather. Leather conditioners are designed to help soften and protect against dryness, which is exactly what you need for rigid leather. First of all, make sure that the leather is clean of any dirt or dust. After that, simply apply the conditioner by gently rubbing it on the surface until it is no longer visible. The conditioner infiltrates the pores of the leather, moisturizing and softening it from the inside.

Another way to soften your leather cord: the vaseline ! However, it should not be applied to raw leather. Be sure to apply it with a clean cloth or cotton. The vaseline will then be used to soften your cord and prevent the leather of your jewelry from cracking.

Another thing to know: moisture is essential to maintain the flexibility of your leather jewel. A lack of water or surrounding moisture will make your leather cord (and any other leather products) rigid and dry over time! Thus, water is also one of the means used to soften the leather. You can use a water spray bottle - even a simple clean and damp cloth will also be fine - then apply it to the surface of the leather. Be careful, however, not to overly spray your water cord, as this could damage it!

Moreover, your leather cord should be stored in a climate-controlled environment with a relative humidity of about 40 to 50%. It is the soft point, so to speak, that will keep the leather moist enough to prevent it from drying out, but not so wet that it promotes the growth of mold.

We hope to have helped you as much as possible with this article!

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