When you are into jewelry making, you must definitely have a lot of questions in your mind about this art that is in constant evolution. That’s why at Sun Enterprises, we are always happy to answer to your questions, and we created blogs with the most asked questions to help you. In this blog, we are focusing on general questions about jewelry making and jewelry components.

Here we go : 

How do you make jewelry out of leather cords?

Leather cord can be use as bracelet, or necklace. You can also braid leather cord to create new forms and jewels!


How do you make a leather string necklace?

You can make a necklace with leather string by tying the string to close the necklace or by adding a clasp to easily lock the necklace.


Which size of cords is applicable to be used in making pieces of leather jewelry?

Every size of leather cord can be used! However the most popular size is 1.5mm round leather cord and 4mm braided leather cord.


What kind of cord is best for necklaces?

This choice depends on your tastes, yet, we prefer suede cord or leather cord!


What is the strongest cord for beading?

For beading, leather cord is a strong material, yet, for more elasticity, elastic wire is what matches best.


How do you make a leather cord bracelet?

To make a leather cord bracelet you will need leather cord and a clasp which match the size and the shape of the leather cord. Once you have found the matching leather cord and clasp, just cut the right length of cord for your bracelet, put some glue in the clasp and squeeze the cord into it! Then of course you can customize your bracelet by adding add charms, beads and gem stones! We invite you to check our last blogs to read more detailed DIY for bracelets making.


How do you make a leather cord necklace?

To make a leather cord necklace you will need leather cord and a clasp which match the size and the shape of the leather cord. Once you have found the matching leather cord and clasp, just cut the right length of cord for your bracelet, put some glue in the clasp and squeeze the cord into it! Then of course you can customize your necklace by adding charms and beads!